Group Encryption: Non-interactive Realization in the Standard Model

Group encryption (GE) schemes, introduced at Asiacrypt'07, are an encryption analogue of group signatures with a number of interesting applications. They allow a sender to encrypt a message (in the CCA2 security sense) for some member of a PKI group concealing that member's identity (in a CCA2 security sense, as well); the sender is able to convince a verifier that, among other things, the ciphertext is valid and some anonymous certified group member will be able to decrypt the message. As in group signatures, an opening authority has the power of pinning down the receiver's identity. The initial GE construction uses interactive proofs as part of the design (which can be made non-interactive using the random oracle model) and the design of a fully non-interactive group encryption system is still an open problem. In this paper, we give the first GE scheme, which is a pure encryption scheme in the standard model, i.e. , a scheme where the ciphertext is a single message and proofs are non-interactive (and do not employ the random oracle heuristic). As a building block, we use a new public key certification scheme which incurs the smallest amount of interaction, as well.

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