BundleNet: Learning with Noisy Label via Sample Correlations

Sequential patterns are important, because they can be exploited to improve the prediction accuracy of our classifiers. Sequential data, such as time series/video frames, and event data are becoming more and more ubiquitous in a wide spectrum of application scenarios especially in the background of large data and deep learning. However, large data sets used in training modern machine-learning models, such as deep neural networks, are often affected by label noise. Existing noisy learning approaches mainly focus on building an additional network to clean the noise or find a robust loss function. Few works tackle this problem by exploiting sample correlations. In this paper, we propose BundleNet, a framework of sequential structure (named bundle-module, see Fig. 1) for deep neural networks to handle the label noise. The bundle module naturally takes into account sample correlations by constructing bundles of samples class-by-class, and treats them as independent inputs. Moreover, we prove that the bundle-module performs a form of regularization, which is similar to dropout as regularization during training. The regularization effect endows the BundleNet with strong robustness to the label noise. Extensive experiments on public data sets prove that the proposed approach is effective and promising.

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