The perception of pain in others suppresses somatosensory oscillations: A magnetoencephalography study

Accumulating evidence demonstrates that similar neural circuits are activated during the first-hand experience of pain and the observation of pain in others. However, most functional MRI studies did not detect signal change in the primary somatosensory cortex during pain empathy. To test if the perception of pain in others involves the primary somatosensory cortex, neuromagnetic oscillatory activity was recorded from the primary somatosensory cortex in 16 participants while they observed static pictures depicting body parts in painful and non-painful situations. The left median nerve was stimulated at the wrist, and the poststimulus rebounds of the approximately 10-Hz somatosensory cortical oscillations were quantified. Compared to the baseline condition, the level of the approximately 10-Hz oscillations was suppressed during both of the observational situations, indicating the activation of the primary somatosensory cortex. Importantly, watching painful compared to non-painful situations suppressed somatosensory oscillations to a significant stronger degree. In addition, the suppression caused by perceiving others in the painful relative to the non-painful situations correlated with the perspective taking subscale of the interpersonal reaction index. These results, consistent with the mirror-neuron system, demonstrate that the perception of pain in others modulates neural activity in primary somatosensory cortex and supports the idea that the perception of pain in others elicits subtle somatosensory activity that may be difficult to detect by fMRI techniques.

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