Rethinking Motivation of Deep Neural Architectures

Nowadays, deep neural architectures have acquired great achievements in many domains, such as image processing and natural language processing. In this paper, we hope to provide new perspectives for the future exploration of novel artificial neural architectures via reviewing the proposal and development of existing architectures. We first roughly divide the influence domain of intrinsic motivations on some common deep neural architectures into three categories: information processing, information transmission and learning strategy. Furthermore, to illustrate how deep neural architectures are motivated and developed, motivation and architecture details of three deep neural networks, namely convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent neural network (RNN) and generative adversarial network (GAN), are introduced respectively. Moreover, the evolution of these neural architectures are also elaborated in this paper. At last, this review is concluded and several promising research topics about deep neural architectures in the future are discussed.

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