Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Multi-Scale Graph Convolution Networks

Monocular depth estimation is a foundation task of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction which is used to improve the accuracy of environment perception. Because of the simpler hardware requirement, it is more suitable than other multi-view methods. In this study, a new monocular depth estimation algorithm based on graph convolution network (GCN) is proposed. The pixel-wise depth relationship is introduced into conventional convolution neural network (CNN) to make up the disadvantage of processing non-Euclidian data. And the remaining depth topological graph information on the spatial latent variables are extracted based on a multi-scale reconstruction strategy. The final results on NYU-v2 depth dataset and KITTI depth dataset demonstrate that our algorithm improves the quality of monocular depth estimation, especially there are several little objects coexisting in the scenes.

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