Nested oscillations and brain connectivity during sequential stages of feature-based attention

Brain mechanisms of visual selective attention involve both local and network-level activity changes at specific oscillatory rhythms, but their interplay remains poorly explored. Here, we investigate anticipatory and reactive effects of feature-based attention using separate fMRI and EEG recordings, while participants attended to one of two spatially overlapping visual features (motion and orientation). We focused on EEG source analysis of local nested oscillations and on graph analysis of connectivity changes in a network of fMRI-defined regions of interest, and characterized a cascade of attentional effects and their interplay at multiple spatial scales. We discuss how the results may reconcile several theories of selective attention, by showing how β rhythms support anticipatory information routing through increased network efficiency and β-γ coupling in functionally specialized regions (V1 for orientation, V5 for motion), while reactive α-band desynchronization patterns and increased α-γ coupling in V1 and V5 mediate stimulus-evoked processing of task-relevant signals.

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