Review Personality, Addiction, Dopamine: Insights from Parkinson's Disease Table 1. Possible Site of Striatal Dopamine Dysfunction Causing Different Motor and Cognitive Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease

In rare instances, patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) may become addicted to their own medication or develop behavioral addictions such as pathological gambling. This is surprising because PD patients typically have a very low incidence of drug abuse and display a personality type that is the polar opposite of the addictive personality. These rare addictive syndromes, which appear to result from excessive dopami-nergic medication use, illustrate the link between dopamine, personality, and addiction. We describe the clinical phenomena and attempt to relate them to current models of learning and addiction. We conclude that persistently elevated dopaminergic stimulation promotes the development and maintenance of addic-tive behaviors. Introduction James Parkinson's essay on the shaking palsy notably described a movement disorder with ''the senses and the intellect being uninjured''; however, Parkinson's disease (PD) also consists of cognitive, behavioral, and mood symptoms, which are now being recognized as a major source of disability. The movement disorder, which is due to dopamine deficiency in the motor subdivision of the striatum, responds well to the dopamine precursor levodopa and to dopamine agonists such as pramipexole and ropinirole. However, recently, a constellation of addictive syndromes has been noticed in certain patients: addiction to one's medications, compulsive behaviors, and behavioral addictions such as pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, or hyper-sexuality. These syndromes are side-effects of the medications used to treat PD and are now thought to be a consequence of excessive dopaminergic stimulation. Addiction can be viewed as a disorder of decision making, learning, and motivation (Berke and Hyman, 2000), and dopa-mine acting on cortico-striatal neurons is normally involved in all of these phenomena. More specifically, the known role of dopamine in reward learning and reinforcement provides a mechanism by which the repeated use of addictive drugs can eventually become compulsive and habitual. Most addictive drugs release dopamine in the brain, and lesions of the dopamine system attenuate their reinforcing effects (Robbins and Everitt, 1999). Wise suggested that addictive drugs exert their reinforcing effects by acting on dopaminergic brain circuitry that normally processes natural rewards such as food and sex (Wise and Rompre, 1989). Questions remain however. By what mechanism does dopa-mine promote learning and reinforcement? Is dopamine also involved in maintaining the addictive behavior in the face of negative consequences? Are there pre-existing abnormalities in the dopamine system that confer vulnerability to addiction, and is there such a thing as an addictive personality? What is the importance of …

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