Attributed Multi-Relational Attention Network for Fact-checking URL Recommendation

To combat fake news, researchers mostly focused on detecting fake news and journalists built and maintained fact-checking sites (e.g., and However, fake news dissemination has been greatly promoted via social media sites, and these fact-checking sites have not been fully utilized. To overcome these problems and complement existing methods against fake news, in this paper we propose a deep-learning based fact-checking URL recommender system to mitigate impact of fake news in social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. In particular, our proposed framework consists of a multi-relational attentive module and a heterogeneous graph attention network to learn complex/semantic relationship between user-URL pairs, user-user pairs, and URL-URL pairs. Extensive experiments on a real-world dataset show that our proposed framework outperforms eight state-of-the-art recommendation models, achieving at least 3$\sim$5.3% improvement. Our source code and dataset are available at \url .

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