Protein function prediction is improved by creating synthetic feature samples with generative adversarial networks

Protein function prediction is a challenging but important task in bioinformatics. Many prediction methods have been developed, but are still limited by the bottleneck on training sample quantity. Therefore, it is valuable to develop a data augmentation method that can generate high-quality synthetic samples to further improve the accuracy of prediction methods. In this work, we propose a novel generative adversarial networks-based method, FFPred-GAN, to accurately learn the high-dimensional distributions of protein sequence-based biophysical features and also generate high-quality synthetic protein feature samples. The experimental results suggest that the synthetic protein feature samples are successful in improving the prediction accuracy for all three domains of Gene Ontology through augmentation of the original training protein feature samples. Training machine learning models to predict the function of proteins is limited by the availability of only a small amount of labelled training data. Training can be improved by employing generative adversarial networks to generate additional synthetic protein samples.

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