Open Set Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation

Numerous algorithms have been proposed for transferring knowledge from a label-rich domain (source) to a label-scarce domain (target). Most of them are proposed for closed-set scenario, where the source and the target domain completely share the class of their samples. However, in practice, a target domain can contain samples of classes that are not shared by the source domain. We call such classes the “unknown class” and algorithms that work well in the open set situation are very practical. However, most existing distribution matching methods for domain adaptation do not work well in this setting because unknown target samples should not be aligned with the source. In this paper, we propose a method for an open set domain adaptation scenario, which utilizes adversarial training. This approach allows to extract features that separate unknown target from known target samples. During training, we assign two options to the feature generator: aligning target samples with source known ones or rejecting them as unknown target ones. Our method was extensively evaluated and outperformed other methods with a large margin in most settings.

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