Transaction processing on confidential data using cipherbase

Cipherbase is a comprehensive database system that provides strong end-to-end data confidentiality through encryption. Cipherbase is based on a novel architecture that combines an industrial strength database engine (SQL Server) with lightweight processing over encrypted data that is performed in secure hardware. The overall architecture provides significant benefits over the state-of-the-art in terms of security, performance, and functionality. This paper presents a prototype of Cipherbase that uses FPGAs to provide secure processing and describes the system engineering details implemented to achieve competitive performance for transactional workloads. This includes hardware-software co-design issues (e.g. how to best offer parallelism), optimizations to hide the latency between the secure hardware and the main system, and techniques to cope with space inefficiencies. All these optimizations were carefully designed not to affect end-to-end data confidentiality. Our experiments with the TPC-C benchmark show that in the worst case when all data are strongly encrypted, Cipherbase achieves 40% of the throughput of plaintext SQL Server. In more realistic cases, if only critical data such as customer names are encrypted, the Cipherbase throughput is more than 90% of plaintext SQL Server.

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