Taxonomic Classification of Ants (Formicidae) from Images using Deep Learning

The well-documented, species-rich, and diverse group of ants (Formicidae) are important ecological bioindicators for species richness, ecosystem health, and biodiversity, but ant species identification is complex and requires specific knowledge. In the past few years, insect identification from images has seen increasing interest and success, with processing speed improving and costs lowering. Here we propose deep learning (in the form of a convolutional neural network (CNN)) to classify ants at species level using AntWeb images. We used an Inception-ResNet-V2-based CNN to classify ant images, and three shot types with 10,204 images for 97 species, in addition to a multi-view approach, for training and testing the CNN while also testing a worker-only set and an AntWeb protocol-deviant test set. Top 1 accuracy reached 62% - 81%, top 3 accuracy 80% - 92%, and genus accuracy 79% - 95% on species classification for different shot type approaches. The head shot type outperformed other shot type approaches. Genus accuracy was broadly similar to top 3 accuracy. Removing reproductives from the test data improved accuracy only slightly. Accuracy on AntWeb protocol-deviant data was very low. In addition, we make recommendations for future work concerning image threshold, distribution, and quality, multi-view approaches, metadata, and on protocols; potentially leading to higher accuracy with less computational effort.

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