SnowflakeNet: Point Cloud Completion by Snowflake Point Deconvolution with Skip-Transformer

Point cloud completion aims to predict a complete shape in high accuracy from its partial observation. However, previous methods usually suffered from discrete nature of point cloud and unstructured prediction of points in local regions, which makes it hard to reveal fine local geometric details on the complete shape. To resolve this issue, we propose SnowflakeNet with Snowflake Point Deconvolution (SPD) to generate the complete point clouds. The SnowflakeNet models the generation of complete point clouds as the snowflake-like growth of points in 3D space, where the child points are progressively generated by splitting their parent points after each SPD. Our insight of revealing detailed geometry is to introduce skip-transformer in SPD to learn point splitting patterns which can fit local regions the best. Skip-transformer leverages attention mechanism to summarize the splitting patterns used in the previous SPD layer to produce the splitting in the current SPD layer. The locally compact and structured point cloud generated by SPD is able to precisely capture the structure characteristic of 3D shape in local patches, which enables the network to predict highly detailed geometries, such as *Equal contribution. This work was supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2020YFF0304100), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (62072268), and in part by Tsinghua-Kuaishou Institute of Future Media Data. The corresponding author is Yu-Shen Liu. smooth regions, sharp edges and corners. Our experimental results outperform the state-of-the-art point cloud completion methods under widely used benchmarks. Code will be available at SnowflakeNet.

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