Effects of visual stimulation on LFPs, spikes, and LFP-spike relations in PRR.

Local field potentials (LFPs) have shown diverse relations to the spikes across different brain areas and stimulus features, suggesting that LFP-spike relationships are highly specific to the underlying connectivity of a local network. If so, the LFP-spike relationship may vary even within one brain area under the same task condition if neurons have heterogeneous connectivity with the active input sources during the task. Here, we tested this hypothesis in the parietal reach region (PRR), which includes two distinct classes of motor goal planning neurons with different connectivity to the visual input, i.e., visuomotor neurons receive stronger visual input than motor neurons. We predicted that the visual stimulation would render both the spike response and the LFP-spike relationship different between the two neuronal subpopulations. Thus we examined how visual stimulations affect spikes, LFPs, and LFP-spike relationships in PRR by comparing their planning (delay) period activity between two conditions: with or without a visual stimulus at the reach target. Neurons were classified as visuomotor if the visual stimulation increased their firing rate, or as motor otherwise. We found that the visual stimulation increased LFP power in gamma bands >40 Hz for both classes. Moreover, confirming our prediction, the correlation between the LFP gamma power and the firing rate became higher for the visuomotor than motor neurons in the presence of visual stimulation. We conclude that LFPs vary with the stimulation condition and that the LFP-spike relationship depends on a given neuron's connectivity to the dominant input sources in a particular stimulation condition.

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