This paper compares three robust feature detection methods, they are, Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) -SIFT and Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). Lowe presented SIFT [1], which was successfully used in recognition, stitching and many other applications because of its robustness. Yan Ke [2] gave a change of SIFT by using PCA to normalize the gradient patch instead of histogram. H. Bay [3] presented a faster method for SURF, which used Fast-Hessian detector. The performance of the three methods is compared for scale changes, rotation , blur, illumination changes and affine transformations, all of which uses repeatability as an evaluation measurement. Additionally, RANSAC is used to reject the inconsistent matches [4]. SIFT presents its stability in most situation except rotation and illumination changes. SURF is the fastest one with good performance as the same as SIFT, PCASIFT shows its advantages in rotation, blur and illumination changes. 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