The SAT2002 Competition (preliminary draft)

SAT Competition 2002 held in March‐May 2002 in conjunction with SAT 2002 (the Fifth International Symposium on the Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing). About 30 solvers and 2300 benchmarks took part in the competition, which required more than 2 CPU years to complete the evaluation. In this report, we give the results of the competition, try to interpret them, and give suggestions for future competitions.

[1]  Joao Marques-Silva,et al.  Using Randomization and Learning to Solve Hard Real-World Instances of Satisfiability , 2000, CP.

[2]  Cristian S. Calude,et al.  Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science , 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

[3]  Gilles Dequen,et al.  A backbone-search heuristic for efficient solving of hard 3-SAT formulae , 2001, IJCAI.

[4]  Joao Marques-Silva,et al.  GRASP-A new search algorithm for satisfiability , 1996, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Aided Design.

[5]  Allen Van Gelder Autarky Pruning in Propositional Model Elimination Reduces Failure Redundancy , 2004, Journal of Automated Reasoning.

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[12]  Sharad Malik,et al.  Chaff: engineering an efficient SAT solver , 2001, Proceedings of the 38th Design Automation Conference (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37232).

[13]  Inês Lynce,et al.  Stochastic Systematic Search Algorithms for Satisfiability , 2001, Electron. Notes Discret. Math..

[14]  Lei Zheng,et al.  Improving SAT Using 2SAT , 2002, ACSC.

[15]  Chu Min Li,et al.  Integrating Equivalency Reasoning into Davis-Putnam Procedure , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[16]  Chu Min Li,et al.  Heuristics Based on Unit Propagation for Satisfiability Problems , 1997, IJCAI.

[17]  Christos H. Papadimitriou,et al.  On the Greedy Algorithm for Satisfiability , 1992, Information Processing Letters.

[18]  Edward A. Hirsch,et al.  SAT Local Search Algorithms: Worst-Case Study , 2000, Journal of Automated Reasoning.

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[20]  Philippe Chatalic,et al.  Multi-resolution on compressed sets of clauses , 2000, Proceedings 12th IEEE Internationals Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence. ICTAI 2000.

[21]  Fahiem Bacchus Exploring the Computational Tradeoff of more Reasoning and Less Searching , 2002 .

[22]  Osamu Watanabe,et al.  A Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm Further Improved , 2002, STACS.

[23]  Andrew B. Kahng,et al.  Toward CAD-IP Reuse: The MARCO GSRC Bookshelf of Fundamental CAD Algorithms , 2002 .

[24]  Bart Selman,et al.  Pushing the Envelope: Planning, Propositional Logic and Stochastic Search , 1996, AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2.

[25]  Chu Min Li,et al.  Integrating symmetry breaking into a DLL procedure , 2002 .

[26]  J. Freeman Improvements to propositional satisfiability search algorithms , 1995 .

[27]  Masahiro Fujita,et al.  Symbolic model checking using SAT procedures instead of BDDs , 1999, DAC '99.

[28]  Igor L. Markov,et al.  Solving difficult SAT instances in the presence of symmetry , 2002, Proceedings 2002 Design Automation Conference (IEEE Cat. No.02CH37324).

[29]  Benjamin W. Wah,et al.  A Discrete Lagrangian-Based Global-Search Method for Solving Satisfiability Problems , 1996, J. Glob. Optim..

[30]  Allen Van Gelder,et al.  Persistent and Quasi-Persistent Lemmas in Propositional Model Elimination , 2004, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.

[31]  Oliver Kullmann Towards an adaptive density based branching rule for SAT solvers, using a database for mixed random , 2002 .

[32]  Bart Selman,et al.  Boosting Combinatorial Search Through Randomization , 1998, AAAI/IAAI.

[33]  Armando Tacchella,et al.  Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing , 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

[34]  Donald W. Loveland,et al.  A machine program for theorem-proving , 2011, CACM.

[35]  Bart Selman,et al.  Noise Strategies for Improving Local Search , 1994, AAAI.

[36]  Parosh Aziz Abdulla,et al.  Symbolic Reachability Analysis Based on SAT-Solvers , 2000, TACAS.

[37]  Philippe Chatalic,et al.  SatEx: A Web-based Framework for SAT Experimentation , 2001, Electron. Notes Discret. Math..

[38]  Allen Van Gelder,et al.  Lemma and cut strategies for propositional model elimination , 2004, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.

[39]  Oliver Kullmann,et al.  First report on an adaptive density based branching rule for DLL-like SAT solvers , using a database for mixed random conjunctive normal forms created using the Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) , 2002 .

[40]  Karem A. Sakallah,et al.  GRASP—a new search algorithm for satisfiability , 1996, ICCAD 1996.

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[42]  Jacques Carlier,et al.  SAT versus UNSAT , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[43]  Steven Prestwich,et al.  Randomised Backtracking for Linear Pseudo-Boolean Constraint Problems , 2002 .

[44]  Hantao Zhang,et al.  SATO: An Efficient Propositional Prover , 1997, CADE.

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[49]  Hans van Maaren,et al.  Solving satisfiability problems using elliptic approximations - effective branching rules , 2000, Discret. Appl. Math..

[50]  Edward A. Hirsch,et al.  New Worst-Case Upper Bounds for SAT , 2000, Journal of Automated Reasoning.

[51]  Roberto J. Bayardo,et al.  Using CSP Look-Back Techniques to Solve Real-World SAT Instances , 1997, AAAI/IAAI.

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[53]  Allen Van Gelder Generalizations of Watched Literals for Backtracking Search , 2002, ISAIM.

[54]  Jon M. Kleinberg,et al.  A deterministic (2-2/(k+1))n algorithm for k-SAT based on local search , 2002, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[55]  Armando Tacchella,et al.  Benefits of Bounded Model Checking at an Industrial Setting , 2001, CAV.

[56]  Pavel Pudlák,et al.  Satisfiability Coding Lemma , 1997, Proceedings 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

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[58]  Allen Van Gelder,et al.  Satisfiability testing with more reasoning and less guessing , 1995, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[59]  Allen Van Gelder Extracting (Easily) Checkable Proofs from a Satisfiability Solver that Employs both Preorder and Postorder Resolution , 2002, ISAIM.

[60]  Fahiem Bacchus,et al.  Enhancing Davis Putnam with extended binary clause reasoning , 2002, AAAI/IAAI.

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[62]  Michael D. Ernst,et al.  Automatic SAT-Compilation of Planning Problems , 1997, IJCAI.