Adversarial symmetric GANs: Bridging adversarial samples and adversarial networks

Generative adversarial networks have achieved remarkable performance on various tasks but suffer from training instability. Despite many training strategies proposed to improve training stability, this issue remains as a challenge. In this paper, we investigate the training instability from the perspective of adversarial samples and reveal that adversarial training on fake samples is implemented in vanilla GANs, but adversarial training on real samples has long been overlooked. Consequently, the discriminator is extremely vulnerable to adversarial perturbation and the gradient given by the discriminator contains non-informative adversarial noises, which hinders the generator from catching the pattern of real samples. Here, we develop adversarial symmetric GANs (AS-GANs) that incorporate adversarial training of the discriminator on real samples into vanilla GANs, making adversarial training symmetrical. The discriminator is therefore more robust and provides more informative gradient with less adversarial noise, thereby stabilizing training and accelerating convergence. The effectiveness of the AS-GANs is verified on image generation on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, CelebA, and LSUN with varied network architectures. Not only the training is more stabilized, but the FID scores of generated samples are consistently improved by a large margin compared to the baseline. Theoretical analysis is also conducted to explain why AS-GAN can improve training. The bridging of adversarial samples and adversarial networks provides a new approach to further develop adversarial networks.

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