The Backwards-Time Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics - Revisited With Experiment

The classic paper of Clauser et al proved that Bell's Theorem experiments rule out all theories of physics which assume locality, time-forwards causality and the existence of an objective real world. The Backwards-Time Interpretation (BTI) tries to recover realism and locality by permitting backwards time causality. BTI should permit dramatic simplification of the assumptions or axioms of physics, but requires new work in fundamental mathematics, such as new tools for the "closure of turbulence," the derivation of statistics generated by ODE or PDE. Recent events like the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment of Kim, Shih et al have increased mainstream interest in the possibility of backwards causality. The Backwards Time Quantum Teleportation (BTQT) experiment will take this further. True backwards time communication channels (BTCC) are absolutely impossible in most formulations of quantum theory but only almost impossible in the BTI formulation. This paper discusses BTQT, the issue of backwards causality in different versions of quantum theory and new mathematical developments. It defines a new object, the "entropy matrix," which leads to closure of turbulence for PDE systems. Predictions of a common toy field theory (real phi-3 QFT) are reproduced by the corresponding PDE model combined with a new model of the micro/macro interface (2M/M).