Spatio-temporal mapping of rat whisker barrels with fast scattered light signals

Optical techniques offer a number of potential advantages for imaging dynamic spatio-temporal patterns of activity in neural tissue. The methods provide the wide field of view required to image population activation across networks, while allowing resolution of the detailed structure of individual cells. Optical probes can provide high temporal resolution without penetrating the tissue surface. However, functional optical imaging has been constrained by the small size of the signals and the sluggish nature of the metabolic and hemodynamic responses that are the basis of most existing methods. Here, we employ both high-speed CCD cameras and high-sensitivity photodiodes to optimize resolution in both space and time, together with dark-field illumination in the near-infrared, to record fast intrinsic scattering signals from rat somatosensory cortex in vivo. Optical responses tracked the physiological activation of cortical columns elicited by single whisker twitches. High-speed imaging produced maps that were initially restricted in space to individual barrels, and then spread over time. Photodiode recordings disclosed 400-600 Hz oscillatory responses, tightly correlated in frequency and phase to those seen in simultaneous electrical recordings. Imaging based on fast intrinsic light scattering signals eventually could provide high resolution dynamic movies of neural networks in action.

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