ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driver’s Fixation Region

Object detection is an important task for self-driving vehicles or advanced driver assistant systems (ADASs). Additionally, visual selective attention is a crucial neural mechanism in a driver’s vision system that can rapidly filter out unnecessary visual information in a driving scene. Some existing models detect all objects in driving scenes from the aspect of computer vision. However, in a rapidly changing driving environment, detecting salient or critical objects appearing in drivers’ interested or safety-relevant areas is more useful for ADASs. In this paper, we managed to detect salient and critical objects based on drivers’ fixation regions. To this end, we built an augmented eye tracking object detection (ETOD) dataset based on driving videos with multiple drivers’ eye movement collected by Deng et al. Furthermore, we proposed a real-time salient object detection network named increase-decrease YOLO (ID-YOLO) to discriminate the critical objects within the drivers’ fixation region. The proposed ID-YOLO shows excellent detection of major objects that drivers are concerned about during driving. Compared with the present object detection models in autonomous and assisted driving systems, our object detection framework simulates the selective attention mechanism of drivers. Thus, it does not detect all of the objects appearing in the driving scenes but only detects the most relevant ones for driving safety. It can largely reduce the interference of irrelevant scene information, showing potential practical applications in intelligent or assisted driving systems.

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