A Synthesizable Temperature Sensor on FPGA Using DSP-Slices for Reduced Calibration Overhead and Improved Stability

Current research on synthesizable temperature sensors, using the reconfigurable logic of the FPGA to measure temperature anywhere on the FPGA, ueses an oscillating, temperature dependent route on the FPGA. These LUT-based routes require a complex calibration process and have a large footprint on the die. The proposed synthesizable temperature sensor uses DSP-slices to reduce the calibration overhead and the footprint as well. The sensor can achieve a resolution of up to 0.12\(^\circ \)C, depending on configuration. A sample rate of up to 1040 samples per second is feasible, in the fastest configuration. The sensor was evaluated and compared. The sensor is more stable, easier to calibrate and features a smaller footprint. This allows a higher density of temperature sensors than before. It uses 45 FF, 69 LUTs, 6 Shift-Registers (SRL32) and 4 DSP-slices to realize a fully digital, synthesizable temperature sensor, including a calibration circuit, a reading circuit and a buffer structure to save multiple data samples.