Synchronization Strings: Channel Simulations and Interactive Coding for Insertions and Deletions

We present many new results related to reliable (interactive) communication over insertion-deletion channels. Synchronization errors, such as insertions and deletions, strictly generalize the usual symbol corruption errors and are much harder to protect against. We show how to hide the complications of synchronization errors in many applications by introducing very general channel simulations which efficiently transform an insertion-deletion channel into a regular symbol corruption channel with an error rate larger by a constant factor and a slightly smaller alphabet. We generalize synchronization string based methods which were recently introduced as a tool to design essentially optimal error correcting codes for insertion-deletion channels. Our channel simulations depend on the fact that, at the cost of increasing the error rate by a constant factor, synchronization strings can be decoded in a streaming manner that preserves linearity of time. We also provide a lower bound showing that this constant factor cannot be improved to $1+\epsilon$, in contrast to what is achievable for error correcting codes. Our channel simulations drastically generalize the applicability of synchronization strings. We provide new interactive coding schemes which simulate any interactive two-party protocol over an insertion-deletion channel. Our results improve over the interactive coding scheme of Braverman et al. which achieves a small constant rate and requires exponential time computations. We provide the first computationally efficient interactive coding schemes for synchronization errors, the first coding scheme with a rate approaching one for small noise rates, and also improve over the maximal tolerable error rate. We also show tight connections between synchronization strings and edit-distance tree codes which allow us to transfer results from tree codes directly to edit-distance tree codes.

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