Nonparametric Bayesian discrete latent variable models for unsupervised learning

The analysis of real-world problems often requires robust and flexible models that can accurately represent the structure in the data. Nonparametric Bayesian priors allow the construction of such models which can be used for complex real-world data. Nonparametric models, despite their name, can be defined as models that have infinitely many parameters. This thesis is about two types of nonparametric models. The first type is the latent class models (i.e. a mixture model) with infinitely many classes, which we construct using Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM). The second is the discrete latent feature models with infinitely many features, for which we use the Indian buffet process (IBP), a generalization of the DPM. Analytical inference is not possible in the models discussed in this thesis. The use of conjugate priors can often make inference somewhat more tractable, but for a given model the family of conjugate priors may not always be rich enough. Methodologically this thesis will rely on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques for inference, especially those which can be used in the absence of conjugacy. Chapter 2 introduces the basic terminology and notation used in the thesis. Chapter 3 presents the Dirichlet process (DP) and some infinite latent class models which use the DP as a prior. We first summarize different approaches for defining the DP, and describe several established MCMC algorithms for inference on the DPM models. The Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussians (DPMoG) model has been extensively used for density estimation. We present an empirical comparison of conjugate and conditionally conjugate priors in the DPMoG, demonstrating that the latter can give better density estimates without significant additional computational cost. The mixtures of factor analyzers (MFA) model allows data to be modeled as a mixture of Gaussians with a reduced parametrization. We present the formulation of a nonparametric form of the MFA model, the Dirichlet process MFA (DPMFA). We utilize the DPMFA for clustering the action potentials of different neurons from extracellular recordings, a problem known as spike sorting. Chapter 4 presents the IBP and some infinite latent feature models which use the IBP as a prior. The IBP is a distribution over binary matrices with infinitely many columns. We describe different approaches for defining the distribution and present new MCMC techniques that can be used for inference on models which use it as a prior. Empirical results on a conjugate model are presented showing that the new methods perform as well as the established method of Gibbs sampling, but without the requirement for conjugacy. We demonstrate the performance of a non-conjugate IBP model by successfully learning the latent features of handwritten digits. Finally, we formulate a nonparametric version of the elimination-by-aspects (EBA) choice model using the IBP, and show that it can make accurate predictions about the people’s choice outcomes in a paired comparison task.

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