Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 13th International Conference, SBP-BRiMS 2020, Washington, DC, USA, October 18–21, 2020, Proceedings

Social media content analysis often focuses on just the words used in documents or by users and often overlooks the structural components of document composition and linguistic style. We propose that document structure and emoji use are also important to consider as they are impacted by individual communication style preferences and social norms associated with user role and intent, topic domain, and dissemination platform. In this paper we introduce and demonstrate a novel methodology to conduct structural content analysis and measure user consistency of document structures and emoji use. Document structure is represented as the order of content types and number of features per document and emoji use is characterized by the attributes, position, order, and repetition of emojis within a document. With these structures we identified user signatures of behavior, clustered users based on consistency of structures utilized, and identified users with similar document structures and emoji use such as those associatedwith bots, news organizations, and other user types. This research compliments existing text mining and behavior modeling approaches by offering a language agnostic methodology with lower dimensionality than topic modeling, and focuses on three features often overlooked: document structure, emoji use, and consistency of behavior.

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