Improving GAN Training with Probability Ratio Clipping and Sample Reweighting

Despite success on a wide range of problems related to vision, generative adversarial networks (GANs) can suffer from inferior performance due to unstable training, especially for text generation. We propose a new variational GAN training framework which enjoys superior training stability. Our approach is inspired by a connection of GANs and reinforcement learning under a variational perspective. The connection leads to (1) probability ratio clipping that regularizes generator training to prevent excessively large updates, and (2) a sample re-weighting mechanism that stabilizes discriminator training by downplaying bad-quality fake samples. We provide theoretical analysis on the convergence of our approach. By plugging the training approach in diverse state-of-the-art GAN architectures, we obtain significantly improved performance over a range of tasks, including text generation, text style transfer, and image generation.

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