Computer science and game theory

The most dramatic interaction between CS and GT may involve game-theory pragmatics.

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[11]  Johan van Benthem,et al.  1 When are Two Games the Same ? , 1999 .

[12]  Vincent Conitzer,et al.  Computing Shapley Values, Manipulating Value Division Schemes, and Checking Core Membership in Multi-Issue Domains , 2004, AAAI.

[13]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Algorithmic Mechanism Design , 2001, Games Econ. Behav..

[14]  Lawrence S. Moss Exploring Logical Dynamics, Johan van Benthem , 2000, J. Log. Lang. Inf..

[15]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  Multi-attribute coalitional games , 2006, EC '06.

[16]  Michael L. Littman,et al.  Introduction to the special issue on learning and computational game theory , 2007, Machine Learning.

[17]  Mihalis Yannakakis,et al.  On complexity as bounded rationality (extended abstract) , 1994, STOC '94.

[18]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  Multiagent Systems - Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations , 2009 .

[19]  Moshe Tennenholtz,et al.  Bundling equilibrium in combinatorial auctions , 2002, Games Econ. Behav..

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[21]  Eitan Zemel,et al.  Nash and correlated equilibria: Some complexity considerations , 1989 .

[22]  Xiaotie Deng,et al.  On the Complexity of Cooperative Solution Concepts , 1994, Math. Oper. Res..

[23]  Michael E. Bratman,et al.  Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason , 1991 .

[24]  Grigoris Antoniou,et al.  Nonmonotonic reasoning , 1997 .

[25]  Joseph Y. Halpern Computer Science and Game Theory: A Brief Survey , 2007, ArXiv.

[26]  Christos H. Papadimitriou,et al.  Algorithms, Games, and the Internet , 2001, ICALP.

[27]  Ronald Fagin,et al.  Reasoning about knowledge , 1995 .

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[30]  Michael P. Wellman,et al.  Foundations of multi-agent learning: Introduction to the special issue , 2007, Artif. Intell..

[31]  Xiaotie Deng,et al.  Settling the Complexity of Two-Player Nash Equilibrium , 2006, 2006 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06).

[32]  Moshe Tennenholtz,et al.  Local-Effect Games , 2003, IJCAI.

[33]  Michael L. Littman,et al.  Graphical Models for Game Theory , 2001, UAI.

[34]  Johan van Benthem,et al.  Exploring logical dynamics , 1996, Studies in logic, language and information.

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[36]  Michel Gendreau,et al.  Combinatorial auctions , 2007, Ann. Oper. Res..

[37]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  Marginal contribution nets: a compact representation scheme for coalitional games , 2005, EC '05.

[38]  Nathan Linial,et al.  Game-theoretic aspects of computing , 1994 .

[39]  Daphne Koller,et al.  Multi-Agent Influence Diagrams for Representing and Solving Games , 2001, IJCAI.

[40]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  Simple search methods for finding a Nash equilibrium , 2004, Games Econ. Behav..

[41]  Tim Roughgarden,et al.  Algorithmic Game Theory , 2007 .


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[45]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Algorithmic mechanism design (extended abstract) , 1999, STOC '99.

[46]  Moshe Tennenholtz,et al.  Program equilibrium , 2004, Games Econ. Behav..

[47]  Robert Wilson,et al.  A global Newton method to compute Nash equilibria , 2003, J. Econ. Theory.

[48]  A. Rubinstein Modeling Bounded Rationality , 1998 .

[49]  Christos H. Papadimitriou,et al.  On the Complexity of the Parity Argument and Other Inefficient Proofs of Existence , 1994, J. Comput. Syst. Sci..