Simultaneous End-User Programming of Goals and Actions for Robotic Shelf Organization

Arrangement of items on shelves in stores or warehouses is a tedious, repetitive task that can be feasible for robots to perform. The diversity of products that are available in stores and the different setups and preferences of each store makes pre-programming a robot for this task extremely challenging. Instead, our work argues for enabling end-users to customize the robot to their specific objects and setup at deployment time by programming it themselves. To that end, this paper contributes (i) a task representation for shelf arrangements based on a large dataset of grocery store shelf images, (ii) a method for inferring goal configurations from user inputs including demonstrations and direct parameter specifications, and (iii) a system implementation of the proposed approach that allows simultaneously learning task goals and actions. We evaluate our goal inference approach with ten different teaching strategies that combine alternative user inputs in different ways on the large dataset of grocery configurations, as well as with real human teachers through an online user study $\pmb{(\text{N}=32)}$. We evaluate our full system implemented on a Fetch mobile manipulator on eight benchmark tasks that demonstrate end-to-end programming and execution of shelf arrangement tasks.

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