Data-driven 3D Voxel Patterns for object category recognition

Despite the great progress achieved in recognizing objects as 2D bounding boxes in images, it is still very challenging to detect occluded objects and estimate the 3D properties of multiple objects from a single image. In this paper, we propose a novel object representation, 3D Voxel Pattern (3DVP), that jointly encodes the key properties of objects including appearance, 3D shape, viewpoint, occlusion and truncation. We discover 3DVPs in a data-driven way, and train a bank of specialized detectors for a dictionary of 3DVPs. The 3DVP detectors are capable of detecting objects with specific visibility patterns and transferring the meta-data from the 3DVPs to the detected objects, such as 2D segmentation mask, 3D pose as well as occlusion or truncation boundaries. The transferred meta-data allows us to infer the occlusion relationship among objects, which in turn provides improved object recognition results. Experiments are conducted on the KITTI detection benchmark [17] and the outdoor-scene dataset [41]. We improve state-of-the-art results on car detection and pose estimation with notable margins (6% in difficult data of KITTI). We also verify the ability of our method in accurately segmenting objects from the background and localizing them in 3D.

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