Multiscale sparse microcanonical models

We study density estimation of stationary processes defined over an infinite grid from a single, finite realization. Gaussian Processes and Markov Random Fields avoid the curse of dimensionality by focusing on low-order and localized potentials respectively, but its application to complex datasets is limited by their inability to capture singularities and long-range interactions, and their expensive inference and learning respectively. These are instances of Gibbs models, defined as maximum entropy distributions under moment constraints determined by an energy vector. The Boltzmann equivalence principle states that under appropriate ergodicity, such \emph{macrocanonical} models are approximated by their \emph{microcanonical} counterparts, which replace the expectation by the sample average. Microcanonical models are appealing since they avoid computing expensive Lagrange multipliers to meet the constraints. This paper introduces microcanonical measures whose energy vector is given by a wavelet scattering transform, built by cascading wavelet decompositions and point-wise nonlinearities. We study asymptotic properties of generic microcanonical measures, which reveal the fundamental role of the differential structure of the energy vector in controlling e.g. the entropy rate. Gradient information is also used to define a microcanonical sampling algorithm, for which we provide convergence analysis to the microcanonical measure. Whereas wavelet transforms capture local regularity at different scales, scattering transforms provide scale interaction information, critical to restore the geometry of many physical phenomena. We demonstrate the efficiency of sparse multiscale microcanonical measures on several processes and real data exhibiting long-range interactions, such as Ising, Cox Processes and image and audio textures.

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