Learning Online Data Association

When an agent interacts with a complex environment, it receives a stream of percepts in which it may detect entities, such as objects or people. To build up a coherent, low-variance estimate of the underlying state, it is necessary to fuse information from multiple detections over time. To do this fusion, the agent must decide which detections to associate with one another. We address this data-association problem in the setting of an online filter, in which each observation is processed by aggregating into an existing object hypothesis. Classic methods with strong probabilistic foundations exist, but they are computationally expensive and require models that can be difficult to acquire. In this work, we use the deep-learning tools of sparse attention and representation learning to learn a machine that processes a stream of detections and outputs a set of hypotheses about objects in the world. We evaluate this approach on simple clustering problems, problems with dynamics, and a complex image-based domain. We find that it generalizes well from short to long observation sequences and from a few to many hypotheses, outperforming other learning approaches and classical non-learning methods.

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