Learning an Evolutionary Embedding via Massive Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation methods aim at transferring knowledge from a large powerful teacher network to a small compact student one. These methods often focus on close-set classification problems and matching features between teacher and student networks from a single sample. However, many real-world classification problems are open-set. This paper proposes an Evolutionary Embedding Learning (EEL) framework to learn a fast and accurate student network for open-set problems via massive knowledge distillation. First, we revisit the formulation of canonical knowledge distillation and make it suitable for the open-set problems with massive classes. Second, by introducing an angular constraint, a novel correlated embedding loss (CEL) is proposed to match embedding spaces between the teacher and student network from a global perspective. Lastly, we propose a simple yet effective paradigm towards a fast and accurate student network development for knowledge distillation. We show the possibility to implement an accelerated student network without sacrificing accuracy, compared with its teacher network. The experimental results are quite encouraging. EEL achieves better performance with other state-of-the-art methods for various large-scale open-set problems, including face recognition, vehicle re-identification and person re-identification.

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