Active vision in robotic systems: A survey of recent developments

In this paper we provide a broad survey of developments in active vision in robotic applications over the last 15 years. With increasing demand for robotic automation, research in this area has received much attention. Among the many factors that can be attributed to a high-performance robotic system, the planned sensing or acquisition of perceptions on the operating environment is a crucial component. The aim of sensor planning is to determine the pose and settings of vision sensors for undertaking a vision-based task that usually requires obtaining multiple views of the object to be manipulated. Planning for robot vision is a complex problem for an active system due to its sensing uncertainty and environmental uncertainty. This paper describes such problems arising from many applications, e.g. object recognition and modeling, site reconstruction and inspection, surveillance, tracking and search, as well as robotic manipulation and assembly, localization and mapping, navigation and exploration. A bundle of solutions and methods have been proposed to solve these problems in the past. They are summarized in this review while enabling readers to easily refer solution methods for practical applications. Representative contributions, their evaluations, analyses, and future research trends are also addressed in an abstract level.

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