Force-Sensor-Less Bilateral Teleoperation Control of Dissimilar Master-Slave System with Arbitrary Scaling

This study designs a high-precision bilateral teleoperation control for a dissimilar master-slave system. The proposed nonlinear control design takes advantage of a novel subsystem-dynamics-based control method that allows designing of individual (decentralized) model-based controllers for the manipulators locally at the subsystem level. Very importantly, a dynamic model of the human operator is incorporated into the control of the master manipulator. The individual controllers for the dissimilar master and slave manipulators are connected in a specific communication channel for the bilateral teleoperation to function. Stability of the overall control design is rigorously guaranteed with arbitrary time delays. Novel features of this study include the completely force-sensor-less design for the teleoperation system with a solution for a uniquely introduced computational algebraic loop, a method of estimating the exogenous operating force of an operator, and the use of a commercial haptic manipulator. Most importantly, we conduct experiments on a dissimilar system in 2 degrees of freedom (DOF). As an illustration of the performance of the proposed system, a force scaling factor of up to 800 and position scaling factor of up to 4 was used in the experiments. The experimental results show an exceptional tracking performance, verifying the real-world performance of the proposed concept.

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